Friday, May 18, 2012

Amsterdam 7s match videos..

Wonderful news!

This weekend the matches of the amsterdam sevens tournament will be broadcasted on YouTube. 

The ladies sevens tournament will be shown fully.

USA plays at 1:40, 3:40 & 5:50pm. 

Local time is 6 hours ahead of the east coast and 9 hours ahead of the west coast. I'm not sure if anything will be live, but you can at least check out the videos after the times above. 

You can also follow live @usaeaglesrugby for regular match updates. 

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

where are all the tulips?!

today is day 3 in holland. this is the most beautiful country i've been to. everything is so green and lush! i guess since the country is below sea level there is plenty of water to go around. unfortunately, we missed the high tulip season by 2 weeks. i've seen pictures of what the land looks like covered in tulips and am totally bummed we didn't get to see the colors!
everyone rides bikes here..another reason i like it. the streets are packed with bikes and there are lots to park them everywhere. some lots are so massive that i don't understand how people find their bikes!

we've had a few days of training and pool sessions. i'm feeling tired, but still excited about the tournament ahead. we're staying in a hotel with australia, canada, and south well as a giant moon bounce! the hotel we're staying in is pretty posh, modern, pretty. the rooms are nice and the place is huge.

so far so good in amsterdam. ready for a night of relaxation after an afternoon of walking around amsterdam.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

rest and recovery

quarterfinals tomorrow v australia at 10:36am (london time) follow on twitter @usaeaglesrugby

Friday, May 11, 2012

bui has a rat tail..?

rest up men..for tomorrow-we breakfast! and after that we'll travel a bit (not by horse) and then we play! to the death! so eat up at breakfast! yes, rest up men...for tomorrow we fight to the death!

tonight's jersey ceremony was a great one! ric said some good words and the energy was really positive. we enjoyed some picture taking after the jerseys were handed out then had some family time. tonight's share was someone or something that inspires you. it was a great session-i always love chatting and bonding with the girls. it's wonderful to feel close to everyone in a safe, trustful circle. what's said in the share sessions stays between us and it only  makes us a stronger unit. 

i'm feeling a little anxious for tomorrow to come. i'm hoping to pack and read to rest my brain before settling into bed. 

tomorrow's games are not streamed. it still baffles me that webcasts are so hard to handle these days. oh well. you can follow the games via twitter @usaeaglesrugby. we play 3 matches tomorrow: 10:52 v france, 1:14 v china, 4:20 v australia. (we are 5 hours ahead of east coast time and 8 hours ahead of west coast time)

wish us luck! here comes the USA!!!! 

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

londy, londy, londy

we're here! let me start by saying that i am deliriously tired! i can barely hold my head up, so this might not be the best blog entry..not that the others are all that stellar ; )

so we took off on tuesday  morning, after a long week of camp. we had a short layover in texas (something about george dubya) then took a 9 hour flight to london. we were supposed to sleep on that leg of the trip, but sleeping proved quite difficult with the 2 hours of turbulence to start off. i watched 2 movies, read a bunch, and tried to sleep. since i only got about 3 hours of sleep on the plane and had to stay up all day i am soooo tired! i've been laughing so hard that i cry..for hours. im exhausted.

when we got to the hotel, we settled in and had lunch. we had 3 hours before our pool session, so i watched a movie and tried to read without falling asleep. both proved to be tough tasks! after the pool we had dinner (where i laugh-cried for almost an hour). i am now sitting in the lobby trying not to fall asleep and keeping myself busy until 830. only 30 minutes to go until i can fall asleep!

so far there are no links for watching the matches online, but i'll post if anything comes up.  tomorrow we practice and pool. we have some down time, so we'll likely go to downtown London to see some sites and have tea and crumpets : )

cheers, cheers!