Friday, August 20, 2010


51-0! Game #1 was a success in a BIG way for the USA! im still feeling the chills from the game : )
i was soo excited watching us tear through that game..i almost passed out like four times! i had trouble controlling myself on the sidelines..i jumped off the bleachers at least five times-every time was worth it!

we had some great scores and awesome runs, sick tackles and lots of sweet action! the second half felt a lot more our speed and we got into the groove. it was a fun game to watch and im really excited for the next one.

we play ireland on august 24th. still no webcast in our near future, but the twitter feed should be going and hopefully some facebook updates.

thanks for the support today! we could feel the usa all around us as we played. and the fans who made it out to london did a fantastic job in the stands! the bikini ladies were one of the highlights..

tomorrow should be a chill day of recovery and preparing for the next match..go usa! : )

1 comment:

  1. yayyy V and USA. no legs, no run. stronger, faster, quicker, agiler, BETTER.
