the morning started off well with another 7s session. we focused on passing and kicking for awhile then moved into some more open field games. it was fun and way more relaxed than yesterday. we still worked hard, but it was an ease up from our previous intense sessions.
in the afternoon i was happy to hear that i would be joining the 15s squad! we began with a meeting about nutrition and how to keep a good diet. there were some good takeaways..and a lot of chuck norris "facts". (If you have $5 and Chuck Norris has $5 Chuck Norris has more money than you.) i can't say i know much about chuck norris, besides the fact that a lot of people think he's funny i guess, but nonetheless it was still the most hilarious nutrition talk i've ever been to.
we started the outdoor part of the session playing scrimmages. yay! we played two 3 minute periods of continuous rugby (no stoppages at all), with a 2 min break between. we did that twice. it involved quite a bit more contact than our 7s practice and i loved every moment of it!
john, the performance coach, led the backs through a kicking and catching progression. he's so great about breaking down elements of the game into small, achievable pieces then putting them all together again. not only did i feel accomplished after the session, i learned some really cool drills to do with just 2 people. cheers for john!
im not nearly as tired as i was last night and i'm already up later than i was. time to trudge back to hogwarts in hopes of finishing book 5 sometime soon..
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