i met with the owner of our house rental and did a walk through of our new digs. it's a great space, but it'll be interesting to figure out how to get 7 women into a 4 bedroom home. i call a room to myself! included in the house are two pigeon coops. apparently breeding racing pigeons is what happens out here! i've never heard of such a thing, but it was quite fascinating. the poop and feathers he left behind were much less interesting..
we can see the Olympic Training Center from our back yard, as well as some really beautiful scenery. i enjoyed sitting out on the balcony..just me and the sunshine! after an amazing meal of steak, veggies and sweet potato fries i'm ready for my trek (borrowed car from shaina this time-thanks!) back to chula vista from em's house (or, more likely, onto the couch--sorry Lunde).
i expect to be receiving messages from those pigeons in another month.. just sayin